Over the years, work has branched out into many different departments, like part-time, full-time, temporary, permanent, freelancing, etc. An agency has the resources and skills at their fingertips. They can discover the right kind of candidates promptly and professionally.
- Does an employment agency help save time?
Yes! In today’s world, candidates have high ground, as opposed to employers in bygone times. Today, candidates are choosy and as such, the process of hiring takes a much longer period. Managers or senior-level workers are typically assigned to go through resumes and conduct interviews, besides handling their day to day operations. This can sap their energy so the onus is shifted to an employment agency.
It saves on both time and money. What the recruitment agency does is it capsulizes the number of ideal candidates fit for the role, making it a lot easier for the manager.
- Is it flexible?
Companies today understand that is important to have a flexible workforce, something that can potentially aid their hiring needs. This is of course taken care of by the employment agency who has the dissemination of job availabilities.
- Does hiring an employment agency to reduce causalities’?
An employer has a ton of legal obligations to identify, respond and report to, like the payment of tax, covering insurance and pension fees. There are also financial risks that are at stake like the sudden demise of an employee or if he/she unexpectedly leaves without notice. By hiring an employment agency, these liabilities are simply reassigned to them.
- What about medical staffing agencies?
Health care is much sought after. This is one industry that will never go obsolete. There is a wide range of jobs in the medical field, which is why there are agencies that specifically specialize in jobs related to medical care.
There are plenty of positions to fill like the job of a nurse (could be part-time or full time), therapist, anesthesiologist, OR, ER, CT and radiation technicians, office and managerial staff, receptionists, paramedics, social workers etc.
They may also hire general physicians or more advanced posts like surgeons in the department of cardiology, neurology, gynecology, etc. Searching for a medical professional is a class of its own.
There are many leading medical employment agencies like hunt that caters exclusively to nurses.