Summer is a delightful season for everyone, offering vacations, and quality time with family. However, it also brings a slowdown in job searches as candidates prioritise other activities in their lives, making them harder to contact. If you have concerns about the upcoming slower hiring months, we have provided some helpful tips below.
Familiarise Yourself With the Recruitment Processes
While summer is generally considered a slower period for hiring, it can still be productive. Job seekers are strategically timing the submission of their credentials, and many are choosing to apply during the summer months to face less intense competition. An article by Monster titled “Understand Recruitment Cycles to Give Your Job Search an Edge” highlights that hiring tends to slow down in July, but picks up again towards the end of August. This presents an advantage for individuals with nontraditional yet impressive employment backgrounds, as they can explore job opportunities during these relatively slower hiring periods.
Despite the possibility of receiving fewer responses, the applications you do receive during the summer months may hold more value compared to the majority of applications received in January or February. It may be tempting to reduce your job search efforts during this time, but it is actually advisable to do the opposite. Actively seeking and hiring qualified candidates who wouldn’t typically apply can prove beneficial for your organisation.
Make Preparations in Spring to Navigate the Slower Summer Period
If you have experience in the field of recruitment, you are likely aware that hiring during the summer can be challenging. With this understanding, it is beneficial to utilise your knowledge. One effective approach is to launch a focused campaign targeting your desired pool of candidates. As an example, Snagajob published an article back in 2014 titled “Prepare your business for a slow season,” where they suggested that companies try reducing prices and organising special events to maintain cash flow. Taking advantage of the season, incorporating appealing themes can help promote happy hours, open mic nights, and two-for-one deals.
If you have concerns about the effectiveness of your promotions on their own, one approach you could consider is collaborating with a neighbouring establishment. For instance, an ice cream parlour could form a partnership with a nearby pizza restaurant to provide customers with a discounted hot fudge sundae upon presenting their pizza receipt. This collaborative strategy allows the ice cream parlour to generate more business even during colder weather, while also offering increased value to the pizza restaurant’s clientele.
Creative recruitment agency London can entice potential employees with sign-on bonuses, relocation assistance, and customised perks for those who join their company during the summer. It is important to inject creativity and freshness into the recruitment campaign, as this will attract and engage employees.
Commence the Recruitment Process for Seasonal Employees in Advance
As May begins, the initial advertisements for summer employment are already appearing on job boards. This trend is justified by a strong rationale. The closer you get to the timeframe when seasonal workers are required, the higher the level of competition for hiring them will be.
If you’re looking to be prepared for the summer season in terms of hiring, it would be beneficial to create a consistent flow of potential candidates and ensure their continued interest. There are several ways to achieve this, such as establishing an internship program or hosting a training seminar for pre-screened hires. Additionally, you can consider incorporating a talent community on your website or implementing special promotions that emphasise your seasonal hiring practices. By following these steps, you can proactively build a pool of qualified candidates well in advance of the summer rush.
Retrieve Internal Documents
Numerous companies become anxious when faced with the prospect of filling a high-level position during the summer months. However, there is a simple and effective approach that these organisations can adopt: promoting from within. Merely because the current employees may be unaware of the availability of a new role does not imply that they are disinterested in pursuing it.
When you promote an employee from an entry-level position to a role with greater responsibility, it has a positive impact on their morale. Additionally, it creates a vacancy that is easier to fill since recent graduates are still seeking opportunities during the summer after completing their degrees.
Take into account the Specific Day of the Week
It might seem like a good idea to post an opportunity as soon as it comes across your desk, but that may not be the wisest decision you could make. There has been research conducted into the best time of year, day of the week, and time of day for finding a new job. Tuesdays are both the day when most jobs are posted and the day when most jobs are applied to. Posting your job on Tuesday may bring up your average when it comes to applications. Just make sure to post early because, per the same research, “Most candidates apply for jobs at approximately 2:00 in the afternoon.”