You have been tasked with the job of being the best man and the first thing that comes to mind will be the bucks party. You want to send your boy out into married life in style and let him behave horribly for the last time. Before you get carried away, you should stop and think about what being a best man really means. Is the bucks party that important and if so, how do you come up with bucks party ideas Melbourne that have never been seen before? Assuming, this is your first time, where do you even begin. Sit down write all that needs to be done. As you do this, you will realize that there is a lot that you will need to do, a lot you will be responsible for. You can mess things up spectacularly or pull off the most epic night that everyone will remember for the rest of your life. To make things simple for you, you should consider engaging the services of a reputable buck night event organiser. There are a lot of these in Melbourne and if you take your time, you will find one that understands your vision and can execute the plan with minimum fuss and hopefully, save you some money too.
Exclusive Deals
Most bucks party organizers have a professional relationship with strip clubs and venue providers. It makes coming up with bucks party ideas Melbourne easy. It could also be cheaper for such an organiser to book your party than to have you book the party yourself. Some organisers may throw in some freebies like a free private show or a free first drink. This will save you money to pay for more drinks and more strippers as the night goes on.
We’ve heard a horror story or two about bucks parties getting out of hand. A party organiser should be able to school you beforehand on the dos and donts of a strip club. If you flout these laws, you might end up exchanging fisticuffs with the dancer’s husband/ boyfriend or being manhandled out the door by a burly bouncer.
Behave and follow the rules
When they say, keep your hands to yourself, they mean it. You may think strippers have a thicker skin that most people- some do some don’t. If they feel violated in some way, whether its verbally or physically, you can be sure that bouncers will beat the lesson into you.
Being beaten up or thrown out of a strip club isn’t the worst thing that can happen to you. You can find yourself in jail. Contrary to popular belief, Jail is not fun, or cozy or bearable. It is even more dangerous in a foreign country because some countries can keep you locked up without being charged with a criminal offence for weeks. This is one good reason why you should keep things local and avoid travel. You don’t want a jailhouse story to be told about how wild your bucks party was, don’t forget your manners at home.