If you are currently running or about to launch your cleaning company then one of your goals is to make sure that it becomes successful. As an entrepreneur, you are about to face challenges in how to increase your clientele and earn more profit. Getting more referrals helps a lot but you need to have a solid customer base that will remain loyal to your company for years to come.
Building a cleaning company offers a lot of great opportunities. You can double or triple your profits in a short span of time as long as you apply the right business strategies. Here are some of the things that can help you become successful in the long run.
Send snail mail to potential clients
Get your marketing materials ready, like your brochures, flyers and business cards and use snail mail to give them to your potential clients. The good thing about this is a lot of people still take time to open and read their mail. Some of them might need help in decluttering their space but they do not have any idea which company to call. You can immediately catch their attention by sending them materials regarding your business and the services that you offer.
Offer discounts and other perks
Clients like it when they get more than what they pay for. You can effectively advertise your cleaning services by offering several promotions and discounted rates for each service that you offer. One example is giving a twenty percent discount for the first five cleaning sessions that each client books in the first two months. Write down a list of promotions that you have in mind and decide on what might be appealing to your customers.
Target commercial establishments
Residential clients are a good source of income; however, if you are seeking bigger profits you might as well expand your market to the business sector. Look for offices, factories, restaurants, and other establishments that need your company’s service on a regular basis. You can charge them lower rates, but in return you are assured of having a long term contract and a steady flow of income. Having steady clients will make you feel secure and not worry about how to pay your employees’ salaries.
Always aim to go above and beyond your customers’ expectations
If you want your company to last long in the industry it is essential for you to find unique ways to stand out from your competitors. One thing that should set you apart is providing excellent service to both existing and new clients. Treat them with respect, always be on time and make sure that they are satisfied with the quality of work you provide. If they are impressed, you do not need to exert much effort in gaining their loyalty.
Lastly, it is essential that you always remain transparent when dealing with your clients. They can always sense if you are trying to scam them and that is something that will ruin your business.