There are so many ways to offer your employees something other than a regular paycheck. From salary increases and stock options to company-provided education, there are many benefits that can make the difference between a job you hate and one you love. Read on for the top ten of them.
1 – Company-provided education: Distance learning is available at almost any level through companies who recognize the advantages of investing in their employees’ future. From certified courses to college degrees, this benefit is more convenient and affordable than ever.
2 – Education reimbursement: Some companies will pay for classes or training if an employee can show that the information gained will help their company. For example, an accountant might be sent to a week-long workshop in July and then even have some of the cost reimbursed.
3 – Flexible schedule: Even if your company is open early morning to late at night, it’s nice to have some choice in when you arrive and leave. While the flexibility allows you to work around your family commitments, it also means that you get the most work done.
4 – Stipend: Another way some companies offer an education benefit is to pay for college through tuition reimbursement. This benefit is often based on focusing on specific areas of study and sometimes only in certain regions of the country.
5 – Bonus: Even if you’re not going to school full-time or at a quality university, getting a tuition reimbursement can still be worth it. If your company is paying, for example, you’ll get far more attention on your work and even better results.
6 – Flexible hours: If you’re not comfortable with a flexible schedule, consider an alternative job that allows you to work in the evening. Think of an accountant who does not want to be around numbers all day and then wants to go home early in the day.
7 – Training: Whether it’s a workshop on how to write a grant proposal or an in-depth course where you can learn how to install a new computer network, there are many ways your employer can train you for your job.
8 – Career advancement: Many companies will offer career advancement to employees who complete certain qualifications or training programs. While some of these benefits require a lot of time, others can be completed in only two weeks.
9 – Summer vacation: While some people don’t like the idea of unpaid time off, many others find that taking a few weeks off in the midst of the year is beneficial to their mental health and well-being. It gives them a break from school and work while also giving them something to look forward to.
10 – Vacation discounts: Whether your employer offers you free trips and other benefits for getting a job done or discounts on your purchases, some companies will help you save money during your time away.